The Law Of The Seed And The Sower.
The Law of Sowing is a Law that works in life regardless of who uses it. Its very simple really once you think about it, this Law can be found in the Bible in Matthew 13 verse 3.
So to go into deeper and to related to business here it goes. When you share a opportunity or a idea to people what you are doing is sowing a seed into their life, sowing seeds can be in ways of just sharing some positive information or insight as well. When sowing seeds, keep in mind that some of the seeds that you will sow will fall on the ground were the birds will eat it up. So to make this plain, lets say that you invited someone to attend a call with you or to go to a webinar, or to even go with you to a conference. Well before the meeting someone come to that person and talks them out of going or attending and that person doesn't show up, this is an example of the birds getting the seed that you sowed.
Next, you will find that some of the seed that you will sow will fall on rocky ground, these seeds will spring up quickly and die because the soil is shallow. This happens when you bring someone into your business and they get started going strong and the next thing you know that person drops out. Then as you continue to sow your seeds, spreading the word about what you do you will see that some of your seeds will fall on grounds were the thorns are there, when your seed grows the thorns will grow as well and choke the plant and chokes it and it dies. The reason this person falls out of your business is because he/she allowed the worries or problems in life to distract him/her from there goals and dreams.
Last but not least, when sowing your seeds you will notice that some of your seeds will fall on good ground, this is were you want your seeds to fall because this will allow your seeds or people to bring increase to you and to your business. Please note: as long as you continue to sow your seeds they will always fall on good ground. This is a Law, which means it will work if your using it or not. So if you want the benefits of your seeds falling on good ground remember to keep sowing. Also, I want to mention another thing in regard to sowing. Some of the seed that falls on good ground will produce 30%, some will produce 60%, and some will produce 100%. Let your people produce what is comfortable for them. Don't try to make the 30%'s do 60%. If you do you make turn them away from totally.
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Well I hope this helps. Have a great one.

So to go into deeper and to related to business here it goes. When you share a opportunity or a idea to people what you are doing is sowing a seed into their life, sowing seeds can be in ways of just sharing some positive information or insight as well. When sowing seeds, keep in mind that some of the seeds that you will sow will fall on the ground were the birds will eat it up. So to make this plain, lets say that you invited someone to attend a call with you or to go to a webinar, or to even go with you to a conference. Well before the meeting someone come to that person and talks them out of going or attending and that person doesn't show up, this is an example of the birds getting the seed that you sowed.
Next, you will find that some of the seed that you will sow will fall on rocky ground, these seeds will spring up quickly and die because the soil is shallow. This happens when you bring someone into your business and they get started going strong and the next thing you know that person drops out. Then as you continue to sow your seeds, spreading the word about what you do you will see that some of your seeds will fall on grounds were the thorns are there, when your seed grows the thorns will grow as well and choke the plant and chokes it and it dies. The reason this person falls out of your business is because he/she allowed the worries or problems in life to distract him/her from there goals and dreams.
Last but not least, when sowing your seeds you will notice that some of your seeds will fall on good ground, this is were you want your seeds to fall because this will allow your seeds or people to bring increase to you and to your business. Please note: as long as you continue to sow your seeds they will always fall on good ground. This is a Law, which means it will work if your using it or not. So if you want the benefits of your seeds falling on good ground remember to keep sowing. Also, I want to mention another thing in regard to sowing. Some of the seed that falls on good ground will produce 30%, some will produce 60%, and some will produce 100%. Let your people produce what is comfortable for them. Don't try to make the 30%'s do 60%. If you do you make turn them away from totally.
PWI, A FREE Business. Make unlimited Cash without EVER having to pay a monthly fee. Sooo Easy, anyone can do it.:
For more information on this and more please check out my other blogs at:
P.S. Is There A Increasing Desire To Build Real Wealth Like The Wealthy Do, Within YOU?? I Found Out How They Do it, Let Me Show You How! Send me a email asking for more information@
Well I hope this helps. Have a great one.
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