Belief!!! Believe in YOU and YOUR abilities!!! :-)

Hello to you all, Here's another Blog from yours truly (Rich2kid)

I want to get right into this, this is very important in life and in business or whatever you choose to do in life!!! You must Believe in You and in your abilities. What I mean about this is that you must know what you know and use it to effect others in a positive way as well as yourself, we all have greatness in us and we can't hold it inside of us, if we do how will others benefit from it?
I have heard many goal setting guru's and what they teach is completely true indeed, one thing that I have learned is that when we set goals for ourself's it's important that we focus on the goals that we believe that we can accomplish. I remember setting goals that seem very appealing and I knew that if I was to accomplish these goals it would make my life so much easier, but one thing that I left out throughout the process is that could I Believe that I could attain that goal? When I went back and took another look at it I saw that some of the goals that I wrote down were goals that I wanted to accomplish but I didn't really believe that I could attain it. It wasn't a bad thing, it was just that my belief in that area wasn't were I want it to be at the time, so what I did was focus on attaining the goals that I had belief in which once I accomplish those goal's it would increase my belief to the point were I was ready to handle the ones that I didn't believe in the beginning. So, I want to stress the importance of focusing on the goals that you can believe in accomplishing first before focusing on the ones that you don't have that much belief in.

Now, back to what I wanted to write this blog about in the first place. YOU and YOUR abilities. Our abilities helps us get to were we want to get to in life. Abilities:
power or capacity to do or act physically, mentally, legally, morally, financially, etc.
We all have the power to do these things, I think that some of us don't believe that we can do what we are more then capable of doing so we doubt ourselfs in the task that is before us. We can do all things, anything that we put our minds to we can accomplish but we must have the right attitude as we pursue and accomplish it. 
When we were place here on this earth, we was already given what we needed to succeed, we have a brain to think with and body parts to carry out the missions that we formed in our minds, the things that I think that came in the way of what we needed to carry out the missions are things like; the influence of others around us, the negative advice that we heard and also the lack of belief that others had in us..... There are others as well but I think you get what I'm saying. These things can have a negative effect on us and what we are working to accomplish, this is even the more reason why it's important to have positive people around us at all times that will help push us up and take us to the next level. These same people must have belief in YOU and what your vision is and to support you and help you get there. So, it comes down to this, if you are in a place in your life that you feel like no one around you believes in what you believe, you will have to believe in YOU and what YOU know you can do and accomplish, also it's important that you find people that also want to see you succeed and believe in your talents and skills (Your Abilities), and are willing to help you get there. But ultimately it starts with you. There's times when others see greatness in you before you see it in yourself and those people will encourage you and work with you to being the best out of you, it's such a blessings to have those kinds of people in your life as well because these people will bring the greatest part about you out of you.
So if it helps, look within yourself  and find what makes you great as a unique human being and work on improving that part about you, find what you can use to not only bring this great part about you out, but to also find ways to help others do this same in the process.

I hope this blog helped you in some way, or if you feel like it will help someone that you know, please pass this on to them. I want to also thank you for reading as well. May your days be Blessed!!

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  1. Awesome!! So true!! Believing in yourself is essential. Surrounding yourself with people who believe in you is, as well. They can help you through the moments of self-doubt. Great job, Terry!! So inspirational!! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Awesome! When we are rejected for sharing our thoughts and plans to succeed in life,many negative people including your own family,want you to bring you down!They don't believe in you but who cares! you gotta believe in yourself first! Great topic Rich2kid!!


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