Your Thoughts Run Your Life!!!!

Hello Everyone, Welcome to another blog by ME, Terry (rich2kid).

It's so important that we keep our thoughts positive all the time, yes I know that it can be a struggle doing so when we haven't gotten into the habit of doing it but we must focus some of our time each day to doing this because it has so much more importance then we may think. Have you heard of the phase that actions speaks louder then words? What about the fact that our words are life? Well, I'm here to tell you that your thoughts are just as important or even more important.
If you think about this then you can agree that our words tells our mind what to think about, look at it like this, when your having some bad thoughts come into your mind and you are aware of what is happening and you want to change it, all we have to do is start speaking good things over us or start speaking the opposite of what we are thinking, by doing so you will see that your thoughts will change and become more positive. When we have better thoughts going through our minds we tend to experience better things in our life. I'm sure we all have heard of the Law of Attraction right? Well, one of the things that I have learned in this law is that what we think about we tend to attract into our lives, this is also one of the major reasons why having good thoughts are so important. Thoughts are really things, they are things that we can't see but they are there and they have an impact on all of our lives.

With this fact, this is why it's so important that we be extra careful of what we say to our Children as they are growing up, because as they are very young and they start to see the world and things these things that they see and hear from those around them will add to the way they think. So, if they hear and see a lot of garbage then it's going to be a struggle for them to have constant positive thoughts running through their minds on a daily bases because of all the junk that they have seen and heard over the time. As adults now, we may not have had this taught to us at a young age, so now that we know these things we will need to reprogram our minds and start being more careful of what we let into our minds because these things effect our thoughts and how we think regarding things and situations.

I started really looking at this one day and I came up with the fact that how we see our world is not how everyone else see's our world or the world as a whole, it all comes from our perception that is all ready in us and this perception comes from no other source then our minds and how we think in regards to our world or what goes on in it. This is why we can have 2 people in the same situation and they will think completely different regarding the situation. So I would ask myself why is it that way? Well, the answer I came up with is that it's not only from what they see but also from what they believe and this can trickle all the way down to what was imparted in them as a child. So, these things can effect us for years to come, so it's so important that we start to work on ourselves NOW so that we can get rid of all the junk that has formed over the years and that has effected the way we think and how we see things.

Our Thoughts really do Run our Lives!!!

Thanks for Reading in Advance :-) I hope you enjoyed what you read. Please provide your comments.

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  1. Awesome article Terry! We are in the same boat and our mission is to help people not to change immediately, but leave the negative thoughts slowly from their subconscious minds!Period.


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